What is pandoc?

An application is used to convert between various document types. It allows for example to convert from markdown to .docx and vice-versa.

A list of all formats can be seen on the home page of pandoc.

Why PowerShell wrapper?

I wanted to use Pandoc through Docker.


  • to use the latest version possible (or use a specific one)
  • to have not installed on the system

Using it though Docker has some limitations. Examples from Docker Hub use the current working folder.

docker run --rm \
        --volume "$(pwd):/data" \
        pandoc/core README.md -o outfile.pdf

Full source code

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
Write-Error -Message "Cannot find path '$($Path)' because it does not exist."
exit 1
# normalizing output path
$isRooted = [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Output)
if (!$isRooted) {
$Output = Join-Path (Resolve-Path .) $Output
if ((!$Force.IsPresent) -and (Test-Path($Output))) {
Write-Error "The file '$($Output)' already exists."
exit 1
function Enter-NewTempFolder {
$tempFolder = (New-Guid).Guid
Push-Location $env:temp
New-Item -Path $tempFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$fullTempPath = (Resolve-Path $tempFolder).Path
Write-Verbose "Entering: $($fullTempPath)"
Push-Location $fullTempPath
return $fullTempPath
function Exit-NewTempFolder {
param (
if (Test-Path $Path) {
Pop-Location # temporary folder inside of $env:temp
Write-Verbose "Deleting: $($Path)"
Remove-Item -Path $Path -Recurse
Pop-Location # $env:temp
$tempFolder = Enter-NewTempFolder
try {
Write-Verbose "Copying: source to working directory"
Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $tempFolder
$fileName = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf
$outputFileName = Split-Path -Path $Output -Leaf
Write-Verbose "Running: pandoc on docker"
if ($PandocArgs.GetType() -eq [string]) {
Write-Verbose "String Vesion"
docker run `
--rm `
-v "$($tempFolder):/data" `
pandoc/latex $PandocArgs.Split(' ') -o $outputFileName $fileName
else {
Write-Verbose "Defult Vesion"
docker run `
--rm `
-v "$($tempFolder):/data" `
pandoc/latex @PandocArgs $fileName -o $outputFileName
Write-Verbose "Command ran: pandoc $fileName -o $outputFileName $PandocArgs"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Error -Message "Docker: failed returning $($LASTEXITCODE) as exit code"
Exit-NewTempFolder -Path $tempFolder
exit 1
Write-Verbose "Copying: output to designated destination"
Copy-Item -Path $outputFileName -Destination $Output
finally {
Exit-NewTempFolder -Path $tempFolder